Wisdom & Dignity of the Individual

“We need to join together again in communities, but such communities that are not governed by bonds bonds of heritage, but by spiritual principles that incite us to strive together and work for each other. There a mood can be set where adults and children can live in unison; important and not so important people, able and not so able but nonetheless in reciprocal appreciation of the dignity of the individual. Only when a new style of community is formed in this way will it become possible for children and young people to reach an expression of their true being out of which their individual contribution can ensue.”

Extract from Karl König’s address on May 7th 1964 at the opening ceremony of the Camphill School Föhrenbühl at the Lake of Constance.

A Journey in Observation and Love


Autism: Meet Me Who I Am

by Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna and Michael Kokinos

This book is for parents and families, teachers and schools, doctors and therapists who are looking for a deeper understanding of children with autism. The children themselves led us on a pathway through our efforts to connect and communicate our means to heal and educate them. This book shares that pathway of two-way learning and healing.

Autistic characteristics present with an incredible diversity; the consultation room alone does not often suffice to see and truly understand the unique riddle of an individual child.

Many researchers have labored to meet the challenges presented by each child with autism. Autism by its very nature transcends a reductionist, materialistic view and points to the work of soul and spirit in the birth and growth of children. The intention of the authors' work has always been guided by objective facts, allowing them speak to those who care.


Talks for Organizations & Groups

Emerging from over twenty years of clinical work, Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna’s search for a deeper understanding of children with autism led her on a pathway of two-way learning and healing. A journey that would broaden the scope of the medical questions concerning a diagnosis of autism to include those of social, pedagogical, and environmental inquiry.  Her experience with the children challenged her to step out of confining professional boundaries and expand the circle to begin to work in a dynamic and developing therapeutic community which includes the parents.

Throughout her work, Dr. Prasanna would discover that behavior is language - a language that once mastered will allow parents and professionals to translate the needs of the children in their care.

Please get in touch to learn more and schedule an evening of insight, compassion, and love for children- who are here to lead us to new insight for ourselves and the world- as we meet the autism in each one of us. 


*Available via Zoom.


Individual Consultations

As we navigate changes to our everyday lives, know that your health and the health of your family remains your priority. Dr. Prasanna is available to consult with you on various topics, including child development, teacher development, autism, and nutrition. She is available for 1-1 consultations (Zoom) and in-person sessions.

She invites you to email her to set up a complimentary introductory call to discuss your needs before booking a consultation.

Email: Dr. Lakshmi Prasanna